The company MSO servis spol. s r. o. was founded in 1993. Nowadays we are a medium-sized, permanently developing private construction company that performs complex supplies, repairs and demolitions of residential, civil and industrial buildings and constructions of underground utilities. The basic strategy characteristics of the company include permanent increase of the demands on the quality of work as well as the management activities, that are provided by a team of young experts and specialists with mainly university education. Great emphasis is also laid on introducing new trends and technologies in construction and maximum flexibility to customer needs. In 2002 our company introduced integrated control system for environmental management and quality management system according to ISO standards 9001 and 14001. This integrated management system was in 2006 extended to specification OHSAS 18001.
Organizationally, the company is divided into the following centers:
Engineering activities
Main building production (HSV)
Auxiliary building production (PSV)
Business activities
Transport and mechanization
In these centers, the company employs 110 workers on average.
PSV centers perform by our company following work and deliveries:
Wiring and production of electrical switchboards
Outdoor and indoor NTL and STL gas mains, industrial gas mains, gas NTL and STL boiler houses
Installation of central heatings including thermal insulation, health-technical installations
Joiner's products and work including furniture production
Machine fitting and work
Installation of air conditioning equipment
Tinsmithing and roofing work
Painting work
Inspections of wiring, gas installations and lightning conductors
Our company has adequate technical facilities for medium-sized buildings or supplies implementation. Individual HSV centers have as standard equipment building scaffolding, large-area formwork, modern measurement devices including laser, plastering machine, construction lifts, platforms, etc. PSV centers have at their disposition a fully equipped joiner‘s, machine fitting and tinsmithing workshop. The basic mechanization’s means include particularly excavator loaders, mobile cranes, compressors and several kinds of trucks and specials.
Building company
Prodej bytů
Nabízíme k prodeji byty v bytovém domu ve Strážovicích. Pouze 3 Km od Kyjova, velmi klidné místo s bezproblémovým parkováním. Byty o výměře 67 m2 v konfiguraci 2+kk jsou nabízeny do osobního vlastnictví. K bytu patří příslušenství v podobě balkonu, sklepní kóje, podílu na společných částech domu, parkovací místo u domu. Byty jsou vybaveny samostatným měřením všech energií, náklady na energie jsou díky výborným tepelně izolačním charakteristikám minimální.
Je možné zakoupit byt bez dokončených podlah, obkladů a vše dokončit dle představ majitele bytu. Jsou zde i byty připravené k okamžitému nastěhování.
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Info na telefonu 777 740 111
Je možné zakoupit byt bez dokončených podlah, obkladů a vše dokončit dle představ majitele bytu. Jsou zde i byty připravené k okamžitému nastěhování.
V případě zájmu je možný před koupí dohodnout pronájem.
Info na telefonu 777 740 111